At face value, the horror movie "Smile 2" is about a pop star who gets possessed by an evil entity and experiences disturbing events. However, through...
"The Substance" is about an aging Hollywood actress who consumes a black market product that promises her a "younger, more beautiful, more perfect" version. The occult...
In "Blink Twice," unsuspecting women are flown to a tropical island and abused by some very wealthy men. This premise is clearly inspired by Jeffrey Epstein's...
Described as the scariest film of the decade, "Longlegs" features an unhinged Nicolas Cage, demonic dolls, and, worst of all, pictures of Bill Clinton. Here's an...
In "The Manchurian Candidate," communist forces use mind-controlled agents to infiltrate the United States. Over 60 years later, this movie remains more relevant than ever. Here's...
When "The Ninth Gate" was released in 1999, critics found the movie pointless. But that's because they completely missed the point of the movie. Through symbolism,...
Through highly symbolic performances and an overarching narrative that appears to have been scripted, the Eurovision 2024 finale was actually a demonic ritual. Here's a look...
Starring Emma Roberts and Kim Kardashian, American Horror Story's 12th season turns the joys of motherhood into an absolute nightmare. More importantly, it reveals, with very...
"Poor Things" won numerous Oscars and was universally praised by mass media. However, all of these critics purposely ignore the fact that the movie depicts a...
Amid conspiracy theories about Taylor Swift being a "government psyops" who's in a fake relationship with an NFL player, the 2024 Grammy Awards resolutely centered around...
Produced by Barack and Michelle Obama, "Leave the World Behind" is about the complete collapse of America from within. And, through symbolism, the movie actually wants...
"Barbie" was widely praised by mass media for its "empowering" messages. In reality, the entire movie is steeped in hypocrisy as it actually encourages hate, division,...
In the Netflix movie "They Cloned Tyrone", the character played by Jamie Foxx gets cloned in a secret underground lab run by an elite organization. Bizarrely...
"Sound of Freedom" is based on the true story of an ex government agent who saved hundreds of children from sexual slavery. Meanwhile, Bloomberg and the...
The HBO series "The Idol" was reviled by critics for its constant barrage of degrading and unnecessary sex scenes. Also, The Weeknd sported a rattail which...
With her new album "Portals", Melanie Martinez introduced her fans to a new, bizarre, and slightly horrifying alter-persona. What is the meaning of this thing? Here's...
"Blonde" was described by movie critics as being boring, exploitative, and even misogynistic. But there is more to this movie than meets the eye. Through hints...
While the 2023 Grammy Awards featured Beyonce, Jay-Z, Harry Styles and Lizzo, the main star of the show was Sam Smith and the ritualistic drama he...
"Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio" is a complete retelling of the original tale of Pinocchio but with an underlying message that is widely different. Here's a look...
"The Watcher" is based on the true story of a New Jersey family that received disturbing letters from a stalker asking for "young blood". While the...
Disney's "Hocus Pocus 2" is a complete reversal of the original 1993 movie "Hocus Pocus". In the original, the devil-worshipping, child-eating witches are the villains. In...
The 2022 VMAs was a non-stop barrage of agenda-pushing and blatant symbolism that simply cannot be ignored. It was a reflection of the highly toxic climate...
The story of "No Time to Die" revolves around a DNA-targeting virus that's oddly similar to monkeypox. Considering the fact that the movie was completed around...
The teen drama "Euphoria" was described as "groundbreaking" and "controversial" by mass media. But that's putting it lightly. With countless explicit and highly disturbing scenes involving...
The movie Demolition Man takes place in 2032, in an oppressive society managed by a tyrannical doctor who rose to power after an epidemic and social...
The unexpected death of the child star Heather O'Rourke at age 12 cemented an urban legend that was circulating for years: The movie "Poltergeist" was cursed....
The Netflix series "Squid Game" is about poor people taking part in horrific games while elite "VIPs" watch the show for entertainment. Through messages and symbolism,...
"Brand New Cherry Flavor" is a Netflix series about an aspiring movie director who gets involved with a Hollywood witch. Here's how the crazy events of...
Forrest Gump is a classic movie about a simpleton who goes on to accomplish great things. However, through powerful symbolism, the movie tells a much bigger...
Taking place in 2024, the upcoming movie "Songbird" is about a mutated COVID-23, massive quarantine camps, and a high-tech police state that uses smartphones to control...
The Amazon series "Utopia" involves a deadly pandemic, a suspicious vaccine, mind-controlled slaves, and a massive conspiracy. And it was all filmed before COVID-19. Is "Utopia"...
The documentary "This is Paris" reveals that Paris Hilton was abducted and forced to attend a school that engaged in MKULTRA-style torture. Maybe unwillingly, the documentary...
"Cuties" was praised and defended by countless pundits in mass media. Here's exactly what they're praising.
A look at the many ways the 2020 VMAs was a sad and cringe-inducing ordeal that seems to have come straight out of a dystopian movie.
"Together At Home" was touted as a virtual concert organized by Lady Gaga. But it was much more than that. It was about countless celebrities repeating...
This review of the movie "Ford v Ferrari" (which is about the auto industry in the 1960s) frowned on the fact that it mostly featured "straight...
Although "Joker" was praised by most "serious" movie critics, mass media sources bashed the movie in all ways possible, even deeming it "dangerous". Is it because...
Lauded for its "social messages", the movie "K-12" starring Melanie Martinez is actually filled with sinister messages emphasized with deep symbolism. Here's a look at the...
In the Black Mirror episode "Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too", Miley Cyrus plays the role of a mind-controlled pop star with a fake persona, who is...
A look at the symbolism found throughout the finale of Eurovision 2019 and an analysis of Madonna's extremely symbolic and controversial performance.
"Black Mirror: Bandersnatch" is an interactive film that allows viewers to choose their own path. And some of them in the dark world of MK-ULTRA. Here's...
Aimed at teenagers, the series contains disturbing messages about Satanism, feminism, sexuality and everything in between. Here's an in-depth look at the agenda behind Chilling Adventures...
An in-depth analysis of Roman Polanski's "Rosemary's Baby", a disturbing movie that was released at a pivotal moment in American history.
KrainaGrzybowTV (English translation: Mushroomland) is a bizarre YouTube channel that has become a viral sensation in its native Poland and across the world. This is the...
Taco Bell released a couple of ads entitled “Belluminati” which feature a creepy secret society and a flurry of Illuminati symbolism. Is this a case of...
A great number of YouTube videos aimed at children contain creepy, disturbing, violent and sexual content. Some even border on child abuse. It is time to...
Although the word “science” is used every 10 seconds, the series “Bill Nye Saves the World” is less about facts than it is about pushing a specific...
The Neon Demon is a movie about the fashion industry and its obsession with youth and beauty. However, through its story and symbolism, the movie reveals...
Directed by industry veteran Spike Jonze, the new KENZO World ad is loaded with Illuminati mind control symbolism and ends with a weird tribute to the All...
The immensely popular series Stranger Things puts in the forefront of popular culture the disturbing world of MKULTRA, mixed with a heavy those of fantasy and...