At face value, the horror movie "Smile 2" is about a pop star who gets possessed by an evil entity and experiences disturbing events. However, through...
"The Substance" is about an aging Hollywood actress who consumes a black market product that promises her a "younger, more beautiful, more perfect" version. The occult...
In "Blink Twice," unsuspecting women are flown to a tropical island and abused by some very wealthy men. This premise is clearly inspired by Jeffrey Epstein's...
Described as the scariest film of the decade, "Longlegs" features an unhinged Nicolas Cage, demonic dolls, and, worst of all, pictures of Bill Clinton. Here's an...
"Poor Things" won numerous Oscars and was universally praised by mass media. However, all of these critics purposely ignore the fact that the movie depicts a...
Produced by Barack and Michelle Obama, "Leave the World Behind" is about the complete collapse of America from within. And, through symbolism, the movie actually wants...
In the Netflix movie "They Cloned Tyrone", the character played by Jamie Foxx gets cloned in a secret underground lab run by an elite organization. Bizarrely...
The story of "No Time to Die" revolves around a DNA-targeting virus that's oddly similar to monkeypox. Considering the fact that the movie was completed around...
Taking place in 2024, the upcoming movie "Songbird" is about a mutated COVID-23, massive quarantine camps, and a high-tech police state that uses smartphones to control...
"Cuties" was praised and defended by countless pundits in mass media. Here's exactly what they're praising.
In the midst of the coronavirus panic, the 2011 movie "Contagion" became one of the most-watched movies online. Here's a look at the main themes of...
Although "Joker" was praised by most "serious" movie critics, mass media sources bashed the movie in all ways possible, even deeming it "dangerous". Is it because...
"Black Mirror: Bandersnatch" is an interactive film that allows viewers to choose their own path. And some of them in the dark world of MK-ULTRA. Here's...
An in-depth analysis of Roman Polanski's "Rosemary's Baby", a disturbing movie that was released at a pivotal moment in American history.
The Neon Demon is a movie about the fashion industry and its obsession with youth and beauty. However, through its story and symbolism, the movie reveals...
Spectre, the newest film in the James Bond franchise, is about a secret group taking control of world governments and imposing worldwide mass surveillance. Under the guise of...
The movie American Ultra is based on the real life CIA project MKULTRA, which aims to create mind controlled slaves. While this premise is horrific, the movie nevertheless...
Disney released five character posters promoting the highly anticipated movie ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’. All five of them prominently feature the one-eye sign, indicating that...
CHAPPiE is a movie about a police robot with advanced artificial intelligence who gets kidnapped by gangsters. However, the true story of the movie is told...
“Kingsman: The Secret Service” is a spy movie with action, comedic, and some gore. More importantly, it is riddled with symbolism and messages that promote the...
Starry Eyes is a horror movie about a struggling actress getting mixed up with the Hollywood elite. Through the metamorphosis of the main character, the movie...
Luc Besson’s Lucy is a movie about a woman who unlocked the full, 100% potential of her brain power instead of the 10% humans reportedly use....
The 1985 Disney production Return to Oz is considered by many as one of the most terrifying children’s movies ever made. While many of its scenes...
Since its release in early 2014, the big-budget movie “Noah” has caused controversy for not being biblically accurate. While that is certainly the case, the movie...
Prisoners is a 2013 thriller about the abduction of two girls in Pennsylvania. Behind this crime story is an underlying spiritual subtext and subtle symbolism that...
Coraline is a popular stop-motion movie released in 2009. While the film appears to be aimed at young people, Coraline’s imagery tells a hidden story: The...
Tim Burton’s “9” is a computer-animated movie that was released on 9/9/09. While some critics claimed that the movie “lacked substance”, it nevertheless conveyed powerful messages...
“Now You See Me” is about big-time magicians doing incredible magic tricks … and some kind of a bank heist. But mostly, “Now You See Me” is...
In the third and final part of this series on Eyes Wide Shut, we’ll look at Bill’s journey as a whole and at its underlying esoteric...
The second part of this series of articles on Eyes Wide Shut takes a closer look at the elite secret society discovered by the film’s main...
“Eyes Wide Shut” was promoted as a steamy, suspenseful movie starring the “It” couple of the day: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. While the actors were...
“Hide and Seek” is a 2005 thriller movie that did not get great reviews at the time of its release. However, chances are, most critics did...
The science-fiction movie “Prometheus” explores theories on the origins of humanity and their relation to extra-terrestrial visitors. While most might find this premise very “fictional”, many...
“The Cabin in the Woods” is a widely successful horror film that also obtained great critical acclaim. While many appreciated the movie for its wit, humor,...
“Videodrome” is an 80’s science fiction horror film that contains some gore, James Woods and Betamax videotapes. Above all, the movie communicates a strong message on...
The disaster movie “2012” is about the near-total destruction of planet Earth in accordance with predictions made by Ancient Mayans, thousands of years ago. While most...
The hit movie “The Hunger Games” takes place in a dystopian future where the poor and wretched masses live under the high tech tyranny of a...
Most people watch movies to be entertained. Well, I for one can say that there was absolutely nothing entertaining about Contagion. In fact, the only difference...
The 1986 movie Labyrinth, starring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly, immerses the viewers into a world of fantasy and wonder. Like many other fantastic tales, the...
Sucker Punch is an action fantasy thriller that promises its viewers two things: girls and explosions. And it delivers both. But behind the slur of short...
“Black Swan” is an intense psychological thriller describing a ballet dancer’s metamorphosis into the “Black Swan”. Behind the movie’s freaky facade lies a profound commentary on...
“Pan’s Labyrinth” is a profound movie telling the story of a young girl’s quest to escape the cruelties of Spanish Fascism. The movie also contains a...
Heath Ledger’s last movie is a mind-boggling one. From its enigmatic storyline to the mysteries surrounding its production, “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” deserves to be...
The latest Hollywood blockbuster Sherlock Holmes revolves around occult murders and world conspiracies. The movie is riddled with occult symbols and allusions to a “New Order”....
Released in 1940, Pinocchio is a Disney classic still appreciated by children and adults around the world. However, the story of this wooden marionette conceals a...
With its memorable story and its cast of colorful characters, the Wizard of Oz quickly became an American classic. More than a hundred years after the...
During the last years, a new trend appeared in Hollywood: secret societies being at the center of movie intrigues. Some might find this surprising since secret societies...