The bodycam footage of a young woman being arrested in Ohio was described by news sources as a "stripper who tries to seduce cops". However, a...
NYC Emergency Management recently posted a video listing "important steps for New Yorkers to follow if a nuclear attack occurs". And they truly went out of...
The World Economic Forum recently posted a video with the caption "Take a peek at the future". Evidently, the future they want is a dystopian nightmare...
Altiyan Childs, the winner of X-Factor Australia 2010, posted a YouTube video claiming to expose the secrets of the "hidden religion" he used to belong to....
In a series of revealing videos, a CNN staffer is caught in tape admitting that his network is engaging in propaganda and that its "coverage" is...
The World Economic Forum recently posted a video promoting the Great Reset while addressing the conspiracy theories surrounding it. The result: A bizarre Orwellian video that...
An episode of "Project Runway" that aired in March 2019 featured a contestant named Kovid who presented an outfit featuring a matching facemask, similar to what...
In this 1984 video, ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov describes how the USSR infiltrated nations through the four stages of ideological subversion. The same process is happening...
In 2017, Chaziel Sunz posted a video explaining how the movement was being used by the elite to recruit people and to do their bidding. Today,...
In a 2010 episode of The Simpsons, a "secret conclave of America's media empires" releases a deadly virus to "put Americans back where they belong: In...
An ad by Sprite Argentina features a mother helping her daughter bind her breast and a grand-mother helping her grandson dress in drag.
In a deeply disturbing "comedy skit", Will Ferrell rents clown children to people and jokes about molesting them. Pure Hollywood sickness.
Barbara Walters is kind of mad at Corey Feldman for discussing the horrific truth about Hollywood.
A video compilation proving that countless local news networks read the same exact scripts around the United States is a chilling reminder of the Orwellian, heavily controlled...
An Open Secret is a documentary about the abuse of young boys at the hands of “important men” in Hollywood. It is now available online (for...
The Council on Foreign Relations tweeted a video promoting its merits using all kinds of celebrities and powerful people. If it tried to appear friendlier to...
There is a deliberate and concerted effort to put everything transgender at the forefront of mass media. Academic and social critic Camille Paglia explains how this is...
The former rock star Ralph Rieckermann candidly explains on camera how he attended parties where guests paid big bucks to see people get killed.
A video of the US National Anthem reportedly broadcast during the 1960s was found to contain creepy subliminal messages about “obeying the government”. Is the video...
The magazine Vanity Fair created a series of short videos called Vanity Code, quick “how to” guides how to be a douchebag socialite – the “lifestyle”...
This cartoon from the 1930s is all about initiation into an occult secret society.