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If you know anything about international politics or the plan for a New World Order, you surely know about the CFR. It was often deemed “the most influential foreign policy think tank in the world” by international journalists. The list of its members is astonishing, to say the least, as it includes gigantic names in the corporate, financial and political world. Some examples of corporations: ABC News, American Express, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Ford Motor, Google, Halliburton, Heinz, IBM, Nike, Sony Corporation America and Visa. Examples of members: Barack Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Obama’s advisor), Hilary Clinton, Dick Cheney, John McCain and David Rockefeller. Researchers have observed that these figures are working towards a world government and members never truly denied this fact. Shortly after his election, Obama selected the president of the Council on Foreign Relations Richard Haass, along with senior CFR-members Richard Holbrooke and  Dennis Ross as special Foreign Envoys/ Foreign Policy Advisors.

Here’s the promotional video posted by the CFR.

While this video attempts to put a friendly face on the CFR by using TV celebrities and movie stars, it only ultimately proves that this globalist organization (created by JP Morgan and John D. Rockefeller) is more powerful (and less democratic) than ever. The video basically says: “The world is complex and geared towards globalization…and we’re the only ones who can deal with this”.

By showcasing its members, the video also showcases who and what the elite truly “owns”. Here are some of the people seen in the video.

  • Juliette Kayyem CNN National Security Analyst,
  • Robert Rubin Former Treasury Secretary, Co-Chair CFR
  • Juju Chang, ABC News Anchor
  • Dina Habib Powell, Global Head of Impact Investing, Goldman Sachs
  • Condolezza Rice, Former Secretary of State
  • Angelina Jolie, Actress
  • Jon Meacham, CEO Random House Publishing
  • Rev. Chloe Breyer, Interfaith Center of New York
  • Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove, Park Avenue Synagogue
  • Richard Plepler, CEO HBO
  • Jared Cohen, President of Jigsaw

Random House is the largest general-interest trade book publisher in the world. Goldman Sachs is one of the largest banking firms in the world (it was rescued as part of a massive U.S. government bailout). CNN, ABC and HBO are some of the largest TV stations in the world. This gives you an idea of the reach of the CFR.

By including Rev. Chloe Breyer, who works at the Interfaith Center of New York, you get a glimpse of the “one world religion” agenda of the NWO. It was founded in 1997 by the Very Rev. James Parks Morton, former Dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine – an NWO-friendly “sinister site” I’ve previously analyzed in this article.

Jared Cohen is the founder and President of Jigsaw (previously Google Ideas). He’s also an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Previously, he served as a member of the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff and as an advisor to Condoleezza Rice and later Hillary Clinton. Initially brought in by Condoleezza Rice as a member of the Policy Planning Staff, he was one of a few staffers that stayed under Hillary Clinton.

The video shows Henry Kissinger next to a pile of Foreign Affairs publications (published by the CFR). In case you didn't know, Henry Kissinger basically shaped the world as we know by dictating the US foreign policy for decades.

The video shows Henry Kissinger next to a pile of Foreign Affairs publications (published by the CFR). In case you didn’t know, Henry Kissinger basically shaped the world as we know by dictating the US foreign policy for decades.

In short, this CFR video gives you a glimpse of the tentacular reach of this elite-created organization and how it is pushing towards a world government – despite its claims of not having agenda. Its founding members never shied away from the fact that they DID have an agenda. Proof of this can be found in this great short video about the CFR.


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