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K-Pop and J-Pop Into Illuminati Symbolism: New Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and SuperJunior Videos



K-Pop and J-Pop acts were covered several times on this site as they are often rife with Illuminati symbolism (see the full article on the subject entitled Narsha and SHINee: Illuminati Infiltration of K-Pop). The trend is definitely not fading away, as proven by these two new Asian pop videos who push obviousness of it all to a new degree. No in-depth analysis is required here, just big, fat, in your face, can’t avoid it, can’t act like it does not exist symbolism.

PONPONPON by J-Pop act Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is…ummm…annoying. So sorry in advance. If you don’t find it annoying and I offended you by saying that it was, well, whatever. This video is like a big mash up of Illuminati/MK symbolism 101 for kids. Bunch of eyes everywhere, checkerboards, butterflies, you know how they do it.

This next video is not even a full video but a preview of K-Pop group Super Junior. I don’t think it takes much more than 58 seconds to understand what they’re all about (can they, like, hide more one eye?).


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