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Pink’s “Just Like Fire”: Another Blatant Video About Monarch Mind Control



Pink’s Just Like Fire is one of the more obvious MKULTRA-themed videos ever released. Associated with the movie Alice Through the Looking Glass, the video confirms Disney’s fondness for Monarch Mind Control.

If one knows a tiny bit about Monarch Mind Control, Pink’s Just Like Fire is a blatant display of its symbolism. It follows the same narrative and uses the same imagery as countless other videos analyzed on this site, once again proving that there is a sustained effort to expose young people to this sick world.

In the video, Pink finds herself lost in Wonderland to then be taken to a mental institution – by force. Through mind control imagery, the video symbolically describes Pink dissociating and being programmed by a handler. In short, everything about this video is directly linked to Monarch mind control.

Alice in Wonderland + Disney =  Mind Control

Just Like Fire is the lead single off the soundtrack of Alice Through the Looking Glass  – a Disney movie which will certainly contain its fair share of MK symbolism. As stated in my article on Monarch Mind Control, the ultimate goal is to cause the slave to dissociate after being subjected to intense, unbearable trauma. Handlers encourage this behavior by subjecting slaves to a “programming script”, a story that will guide the young slave through programming. A common script used is Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, a story that can perfectly be applied to the trials of an MK slave.

The same way Alice follows a white rabbit through the looking glass to enter the strange world of wonder, slaves follow their handlers through programming to reach complete dissociation. In the fairy tale, Alice enters a fantasy world where everything is magical, inverted and unstable, a place similar to the slave’s internal world, where everything can be modified by the handler. Therefore, in MK symbolism, “Wonderland” represents the state of mind of a dissociated, mind-controlled slave, the place where they “escape” the pain of trauma. In short, the Alice in Wonderland story – and others that are similar – is used in actual mind control scenarios.

Over the years the Wizard of Oz, Alice In Wonderland, and Mother Goose seem to have been overall favorites (of mind control handlers). The child will most often be in a trance state when these story lines are told. The children will have the stories repeated and they are expected to memorize these scripts. Because the programmers will build upon the child’s awareness of these stories, the stories are modified to better fit the future programming.
– Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula to Create a Mind Control Slave

As stated above, programmers modify stories to fit programming and Disney’s adaptations of classic stories accomplish just that.

This is why the Disney movies and the other shows are so important to the programmers. They are the perfect hypnotic tool to get the child’s mind to dissociate in the right direction. The programmers have been using movies since almost day one to help children learn the hypnotic scripts. For children they need to be part of the hypnotic process. If the hypnotist allows the child to make up his own imagery, the hypnotic suggestions will be stronger. Rather than telling the child the color of a dog, the programmer can ask the child. This is where the books and films shown the child assist in steering its mind in the right direction. If the hypnotist talks to a child, he must take extra precaution not to change the tone of his voice and to have smooth transitions. Most of the Disney films are used for programming purposes. Some of them are specifically designed for mind-control.
– Ibid.

A striking example of Disney adapting a story for MK purposes is the 1984 movie Return to Oz (read my article about it here). In the extremely creepy movie, Dorothy is sent to a mental institution where she is literally electroshocked “over the rainbow”. Of course, none of that was in the original Return to Oz story.

Decades later, Disney is still at it. The music video Just Like Fire illustrates how much Disney is invested in MK symbolism. Note: Pink herself recently discussed the song Just Like Fire in an interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live, contrasting the process of writing a song for Disney with writing the songs on her album, saying essentially that she had very little control over the songwriting process.

Let’s look at the video.

Just Like MK

Just Like Fire interprets the world of Alice in Wonderland according to MKULTRA, where going “through the looking glass” means dissociating from reality.

The video begins with the words "Disney Presents". Yup, the MKULTRA child star factory is about to go into MK world.

The video begins with the words “Disney Presents”, letting you know that this factory of MKULTRA child stars is still at it.

Pink’s real-life husband Carey Hart goes to check up on Pink. She’s doing the usual, you know, just hanging from the ceiling and spinning around.

Pink is upside down and spinning inside a lavishly decorated room.

Pink is upside down and spinning inside a lavishly decorated room.

Both the floors and the walls of this room are in a dualistic checkerboard pattern. In Masonic symbolism, the checkerboard floor is the ritualistic surface on which occult transformation occurs … and Pink is not a stranger to Masonic symbolism.

Pink's performance at the 2009 MTV VMAs was a clear Masonic initiation. Her costume perfectly replicated the garbs of Masonic candidates during their initiation. She was blindfolded, her right breast exposed and, instead of exposing her right leg, there's a Masonic checkerboard pattern.

Pink’s performance at the 2009 MTV VMAs was a clear Masonic initiation. Her costume perfectly mirrored the garbs of Masonic candidates during initiation: She was blindfolded, her left breast was exposed and her left leg pant had a Masonic checkerboard pattern.

Back in the checkerboard room, Pink starts spinning at high speed. Right at that point, a young girl (played by Pink’s daughter) emerges and follows a butterfly.

The young girl follows a blue Monarch butterfly through a mirror.

The young girl follows a blue Monarch butterfly through a mirror.

This series of events is pure Monarch mind control symbolism. Hanging from the ceiling, Pink’s spinning represents the dizzying and disorienting feeling of trauma. Once dissociation occurs, the young girl, representing Pink’s core personality, appears and follows a Monarch butterfly, which directly represents Monarch programming. The butterfly lures the girl through the mirror to Wonderland – the land of dissociation.

In Wonderland, Pink finds herself on a chessboard while her core persona (the little girl) keeps running after the butterfly (following the programming script).

In Wonderland, Pink finds herself on a chessboard while her core persona (the little girl) keeps running after the butterfly (following the programming script).

The checkerboard pattern recalls the room in which Pink was spinning in, implying that she is still in that room, but has dissociated. Due to its powerful dualistic properties, this pattern is used in actual MK programming.

This painting by mind control survivor Kim Noble depicts a crying girl on a dualistic checkerboard floor. The girl is dressed in a fully dualistic matter (even her shoes) which represents the split of the personality of the slave.

This painting by mind control survivor Kim Noble depicts a crying girl on a dualistic checkerboard floor. Everything about this painting refers the concept of duality during MK programming which induces the split of the personality of the slave.

On the Wonderland checkerboard, there's a Pink character dressed in full dualistic garbs.

On the Wonderland checkerboard, there’s a Pink character dressed in full dualistic garbs.

Pink plays the role of all of the pieces in this chess game against herself, including the "King" who wears something resembling a crown of thorns. It conveniently hides one of her eyes, proving that this is all about MK symbolism.

In a chess game against herself, Pinks plays the role of all of the pieces, including the “King” who wears a “crown of thorns”. It conveniently hides one of her eyes, illustrating again that this is all about MK symbolism.

This scene represents what happens to slaves after dissociation: Splitting of the persona.

The child’s natural developing sense of shapes is taken advantage of by spinning the child and making it feel like it is going to fall. The child will also be deprived of sleep and drugged. Together all this will provide the dissociative base for splitting the core.
– Ibid.

Pink in red.

This scene visually depicts the splitting of the persona (black and white) while Pink dressed in red dances around (red representing the color of sacrifice).

Pink and her daughter then have tea with the Mad Hatter.

Pink (and her core persona) are floating on air, an allusion to the feeling of weightlessness felt by dissociated slaves.

Pink (and her core persona) are floating on air, alluding to the feeling of weightlessness felt by dissociated slaves.

Pink then finds herself paralyzed while floating above flowers - the powerlessness of dissociated (and intoxicated) slaves. The programming butterfly flies by and the little girl follows it.

Pink then falls down and finds herself paralyzed while floating above flowers, representing the powerlessness of dissociated (and intoxicated) slaves. The programming butterfly flies by and the little girl follows it.

Time (the creepy guy with the mustache) lurks around, looking for the little girl - the core persona.

Time (the creepy guy with the mustache) lurks around, looking for the little girl – the core persona.

In the video, Time plays the role of the handler who enters the dissociated slave’s psyche to program it.

The one-eye sign on the movie poster let's you know that Time represent the occult elite.

The one-eye sign on the movie poster lets you know that Time represents the occult elite.

Time finally finds the core personality and offers her a clock.

Time finally finds the core personality and offers her a clock.

When the handler touches the core personality of the slave, a complete breakdown occurs. The video clearly depicts this process in a rather graphic way.

Pink snaps out of Wonderland (dissociation) and is taken by force to an mental institution while wearing a strayjacket.

Pink immediately snaps out of Wonderland (dissociation) and is taken by force to a mental institution while wearing a straitjacket.

During Pink's breakdown, a bunch of creepy images flash on screen including the Time's angry face - while he was rather nice in Wonderland, he was most likely committing torture in real life.

During Pink’s breakdown, creepy images flash on screen including Time’s angry face. While the handler appears nice during dissociation, he is actually a sadistic psychopath in real life.

The video ends with Pink's husband signing her off and asking if she'll be alright...while she's being carried off by force.

The video ends with Pink’s husband signing her over and asking if she’ll be “alright” … while she’s being forcibly dragged into a mental institution.

Thank you, Disney, for this uplifting story of dissociation and mental breakdown. The kids will love it.

Script for the Masses

The same way MK slaves follow a script for programming and dissociation, the masses are subjected to a programming script through the media. Indeed, readers of this site might have already recognized the same basic narrative in other videos. For instance, Katy Perry’s Wide Awake features her with a young girl going through a mirror.

Katy Perry with a young girl (representing her core persona) going through a mirror. Perry's dress is full of butterflies.

Katy Perry with a young girl (representing her core persona) going through a mirror. Perry’s dress is full of butterflies.

She finds herself completely out of it in a mental institution.

She finds herself completely out of it in a mental institution.

The video ends with her holding a butterfly.

The video ends with her holding a butterfly.

The music industry is not about “originality”. It is about programming.

In Conclusion

Just Like Fire is yet another case proving that the entertainment industry constantly seeks to expose the masses to the world of mind control. Although Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland was written during the 19th century, Disney adapted the narrative to fit the needs of the MKULTRA system, a system in which the company is directly invested.

The addition of a scene where Pink loses her mind is Disney’s way of clearly pointing out that there is more to the Alice in Wonderland story than simple fantasy. The story is used in a specific matter to normalize the symbolism of Monarch programming while subliminally exposing the young to its horrific process. If you don’t believe that Disney and the entire industry is capable of such devious things, you are still living in Wonderland.


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