To most people, the Son of Sam is a crazed serial killer who terrorized New York in the late 70s. However, a closer look at this...
The end of April is known as the "most violent time of the year". Appropriately enough, occult calendars call for fire and human sacrifice during this...
A disturbing scene in the 2014 movie Kingsman: The Secret Service features the hero killing an entire congregation inside a Baptist-style church in the Southern U.S....
The Manchester Terror Attack took place at a concert for Ariana Grande – an music industry superstar. It was a grand and horrifying clash of the...
On the evening of February 24th, at the stroke of midnight, witches worldwide will engage in a mass occult ritual to “bind Trump and all those...
The killing of an ambassador in Turkey on live television and the attack of a Christmas market in Berlin occurred at a crucial time of year. On December...
Attended by Europe’s most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. Here’s a look at another celebration...
The release of secret archive reveals that the British elite was overwhelmingly Masonic and that Jack the Ripper was protected by the Masonic police force. Ancestry recently made...
Why do we often witness tragedy and senseless deaths during the second half of April? The list of violent events that occurred during this time period...
We’ve seen in previous articles that music award shows are often rife with ritualistic elements that reflect the occult inner-workings of the entertainment industry. The elaborate...
The rescue of the 33 unfortunate Chilean miners has definitely turn into an international media event. All aspects of the rescue have been carefully staged to...