In the Netflix movie "They Cloned Tyrone", the character played by Jamie Foxx gets cloned in a secret underground lab run by an elite organization. Bizarrely...
"Blonde" was described by movie critics as being boring, exploitative, and even misogynistic. But there is more to this movie than meets the eye. Through hints...
"The Watcher" is based on the true story of a New Jersey family that received disturbing letters from a stalker asking for "young blood". While the...
The Netflix series "Squid Game" is about poor people taking part in horrific games while elite "VIPs" watch the show for entertainment. Through messages and symbolism,...
"Brand New Cherry Flavor" is a Netflix series about an aspiring movie director who gets involved with a Hollywood witch. Here's how the crazy events of...
Netflix lost over 133,000 US subscribers in the second quarter of 2019. Mass media is not telling you the main reason why this is happening because...
In the Black Mirror episode "Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too", Miley Cyrus plays the role of a mind-controlled pop star with a fake persona, who is...
A study supported by the National Institute of Mental Health observed a near 30% increase in suicide rates amongst teenagers in the month following the release...
"Black Mirror: Bandersnatch" is an interactive film that allows viewers to choose their own path. And some of them in the dark world of MK-ULTRA. Here's...
Aimed at teenagers, the series contains disturbing messages about Satanism, feminism, sexuality and everything in between. Here's an in-depth look at the agenda behind Chilling Adventures...