Sister Catherine Rose Holzman reportedly “suddenly collapsed and died” during a court appearance related to a case against Katy Perry. As reported last year in the...
In “Bon Appétit”, Katy Perry is cooked by chefs and offered as a meal to a party of elite guests. It directly alludes to bizarre rituals...
Katy Perry has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons, causing her fans to question her mental sanity. Is she heading towards a typical pop...
Two nuns who are strongly opposed to Katy Perry purchasing their former convent accused Katy Perry of witchcraft and of “selling her soul to the devil”....
“Chained to the Rhythm” is your typical Katy Perry pop song but with a slightly subversive twist. However, there is intense “doublethink” going on here. Indeed,...
Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” is a fun and colorful video taking place in Ancient Egypt. However, behind the cartoonish style of the video, viewers are exposed...
Katy Perry’s music video “Wide Awake” is another offering from the pop music industry that conceals references to Monarch programming within its symbolism. References to this...
In her music video ‘Part of Me’, Katy Perry ditches her wigs and latex dresses to put on a Marines uniform. While some might find this...