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Top 5 Worst 9/11 Memorials
9/11 has inspired a myriad of memorials that are scattered all across America. Some of them are of questionable taste, others contain strange occult symbolism while others simply piss people off. Here are the five most offensive.
9/11 was a terrible tragedy, no matter who made it happen **cough** Rumsfeld **cough cough ** False flag terror ** cough**. Sorry, I don’t usually cough while typing. Since this event was the most terrible terrorist act committed on US soil, it is simply fitting that many memorials appear in honor of those who unjustly lost their lives. Some of them are very touching, inspiring and heartfelt. Others, not so much. Some even make you wonder if they were actually built for the victims or to serve an agenda. The monuments here are controversial, insensitive and slightly offensive…a little like this article. Enjoy.
#5 Boston Memorial
It’s a glass and steel cube. Next to a thruway. How heart-wrenchingly touching. When I look at it, I become moved by so many intense emotions. The main one is boredom. Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate a good cube when I see one. And that is one fine cube. But does it make me reflect on 9/11 and the state of humanity? Not really. It, however, does make me want to go downstairs to get the latest iPhone though.
Anyways, the memorial features two intertwining paths representing the two infamous flights who took off at the Boston Logan Airport. The top of the cube depicts a “fractured sky” because the sky was never the same since 9/11. It is true. In the words of Peter Griffin: “9/11 changed everything, Brian. It changed EVERYTHING” Yes, even the sky is changed, it is now destroyed by terrorists. Here are some nice comments from the locals I’ve found on the internets.
“Why does Boston have all these modern international style monuments? that thing won’t last 30 years” -nonumental art
“It took seven years to build that? I can see why it’s taking so long for the Ground Zero projects to be built.” -Snoopy
“Follow the twisting flight paths? Tacky who wants to do that. Its a memorial not a reenactment” -Reflect
“This looks EXACTLY like Boston’s Holocaust memorial. Do they order these from a IKEA catalog?” -Gregoire
It is not the worst memorial I’ve ever seen, but it is painfully forgettable.
#4 Polish Plaque
This plaque was installed at the base of the KATYN statue in New Jersey, which directly faced the Twin Towers. The statue (which is also depicted on the plaque), is of a wounded WWII soldier getting stabbed in the back…a little like America who got stabbed in the back on 911 **cough**Bush did it **cough.
Anyways, the plaque has been described as “awkward”, “weird” and “???”. At face value, it seems to be of Virgin Mary mourning the Towers. A closer look at the symbolism of the plaque quickly reveals a hidden, occult meaning. Writer “Ground Zero” perfectly sums up its esoteric symbolism:
“There is the goddess with a hexagramic eagle-pendant hanging from her neck, as well as the sun forming a halo behind her, grasping one of the burning towers like a phallus that is ejaculating. The sexuality inherent in these astro-theological themes should bemoan you that some kind of ceremonial magic is being invoked here, even if the artists who created the statue and/or plaque did not know about their art’s greater relevance to the 9/11 mega-ritual.” Source:
In other words, this plaque would commemorate the planned and occult ritual that was 9/11 and the event is even likened to a sexual act. The woman is evidently not the Virgin Mary as the symbolism on and around her refer to the concept of a female goddess who completes the solar deity. This is just sick, disgusting, awful, and I have no more adjectives for it so I’ll just spit on the computer screen.
3- All-Seeing Eye Memorial
All I have to say about this ceremony is this:
Is this ceremony telling us who’s behind 9/11? An interesting thing very few people know about is the “Oculus” artwork project, which was placed directly underneath the WTC in 1998.
The centerpiece of the work is an elliptical glass and stone mosaic floor, with a micro mosaic eye at the center of an ultramarine vortex with the image of the City of New York woven into the picture. This All-Seeing Eye, placed right under the actual Ground Zero sends shockwaves around the world. Those of you who know the myth of the eye of Horus, where Osiris experiences a rebirth in the underworld, will surely find it interesting that this eye is located below ground level…in the “underworld”.
#2 Teardrop Memorial
The monument comprises a 100-foot-tall bronze tower with a jagged split down the middle and a 40-foot-long stainless steel teardrop suspended in the gap.
Located in Bayonne, New Jersey, this monument was dedicated in 2006, with little to no media coverage. There are no signs or ads leading to it on the streets of New Jersey. It is billed as being a gift from Russian President Vladimir Putin to America and was created by Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli. The monument was the source of many controversies and disputes. It was originally meant to be erected on the New Jersey waterfront but officials rejected it. It was finally placed in Bayonne, facing the New York skyline, but many still complain that this 10 story horror blocks the wonderful view of the city. The art community stated that “it was not just unpleasant, but to the point that it was offensive“. Others have said that it looked like a woman’s vulva and that it was Russia’s indirect way of calling America a pussy…cat. There is also the fact that the memorial included huge pictures of Russia’s dictator Putin (who enjoys shirtless horsie rides) and America’s all-time worst President:
Now, here are some comments from people I don’t know, taken from various articles, including NY Times’: “A Jersey City Teardrop for 9/11, Or a 10-Story Embarrassment?”.
“I’m amazed that you can discuss this topic without mentioning the massive controversy that has swirled around the statue, which has been nearly universally attacked as a monstrosity and been booted out every decent placed it might have been erected, ultimately being relegated to backwater Bayonne New Jersey.” -Jason Herr
“People, get real, OMG! It looks like a giant vagina! For Tsereteli it’s just a way to make a bigger name for himself. Putin doesn’t give a crap. And Tsereteli is also best buddy-buddy with Moscow’s mayor Luzkhov. Please. Really. This has nothing to do with our American tragedy.” -Georgian
”It’s insensitive, it’s heavy-handed, it’s simplistic, it’s a cliché, other than that, what’s not to like?” -Leon Yost
”an insensitive, self-aggrandizing piece of pompousness by one of the world’s blatant self-promoters.” -NJ Art Community
Those into symbolism might want to check into Horus, the Sky God, who was portrayed by ancient Egyptians as a Peregrine Falcon’s eye with a teardrop underneath it. Is this teardrop coming from the All-Seeing Eye in the sky?
#1- Crescent of Embrace
This memorial hasn’t been completed yet but it already has created more controversy than any other. The official story of 9/11 is that angry Islamic people “who hate our freedoms” have plotted this attack from a cave deep in Afghanistan while eating hummus with their fingers. Let’s assume this is true… Would it make sense to create a huge memorial in the shape of the Muslim crescent? I mean, if the USA destroyed a building in Iran for no reason, would the Iranians build a huge memorial looking like the US flag? I don’t think so. Unless it was to burn it afterward. Well, if the government is consistent with its Al-Qaeda story, it should maybe try not to incorporate blatant Muslim symbolism in its memorials, unless they want to piss people off big time. And they did. The memorial managed to anger Christians, Muslims, Jews and miscellaneous at the same time. Maybe that’s the memorial’s goal: to unite all religions through hating it.
Above the winning design was chosen for the memorial to commemorate Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania. The memorial is shaped like a big moon crescent, which happens to be Islam’s main symbol. It was also proved to point directly to the Mecca. This has caused a huge uproar among citizens and all sorts of political commentators. There’s even an internet petition calling for the investigation of the Islamic symbolism in the design. Here’s a description of the memorial’s features taken from the petition:
Many features of the chosen Flight 93 Memorial design are intolerable:
1. THE GIANT CRESCENT. The centerpiece of the original “Crescent of Embrace” design was a giant red Islamic shaped crescent. Every particle of this original crescent design remains completely intact in the so-called redesign, which only added a few irrelevant trees. The giant crescent is still there.
2. IT POINTS TO MECCA. The giant crescent points to Mecca. A crescent that Muslims face into to face Mecca is called a “mihrab,” and is the central feature around which every mosque is built. The Flight 93 Memorial is on track to become the world’s largest mosque.
3. THE ISLAMIC SUNDIAL. The minaret-like Tower of Voices is a year-round accurate Islamic prayer-time sundial (one of many typical mosque features that are realized in the crescent design, all on the same epic scale as the half mile wide central crescent).
4. THE 44 BLOCKS. There are 44 glass blocks on the flight path, equaling the number of passengers, crew, AND terrorists. Intentional or not, these features are entirely unacceptable.
This travesty must stop and investigations must begin.
1) We the undersigned call on our state and federal legislators to undertake their own thorough and independent investigations of the Flight 93 Memorial design. The truth must come out.
2) We ask that the crescent design be scrapped entirely and that it be replaced with a new design that is not tainted by Islamic or terrorist memorializing symbolism.
3) We demand a fitting and proper memorial that HONORS the brave men and women of Flight 93.
So, if you’ve read correctly, the terrorists are also honored in the memorial. That’s a great way to anger people. Here’s what some people said about the memorial and recent redesign.
“The winning design for the Flight 93 memorial ‘Crescent of Embrace’ is extravagant, wasteful and ultimately does not convey the spirit of the resistance and defiance of the passengers who made the ultimate sacrifice that their plane would not be used to attack their own countrymen. (…) How would you stop this travesty of a memorial from blighting the Pennsylvania landscape? This is the intellectual masturbatory fantasy of an architect for the benefit of his peers.” -Simon Tan
“To those who prefer their monuments to be monumental, this may come as something of a disappointment, if not an outright betrayal. Even at this late date, seemingly ordinary citizens can perform extraordinary feats, as Flight 93’s heroic epic reminds us. The problem isn’t that we’ve run out of heroes in America. We just don’t know how to honor them anymore.” -John V. Last
“Redesigned Flight 93 memorial still an Islamo-fascist shrine.” -Alec Rawls
Alec Rawls has written a full book called “The Crescent of Betrayal” describing in detail the symbolism of the memorial. Here’s what he says on the “Tower of Voices”.
“Every place where the terrorists are memorialized in the crescent design, they are placed in the symbolic Islamic heavens (the crescent and star parts of the design). Every place where the 40 heroes are memorialized, they are depicted as symbolically damned, cast out of the symbolic Islamic heavens.
One example is in the Tower of Voices, where an Islamic shaped crescent soars in the sky above forty symbolic souls that literally dangle below: Forty symbolic souls, never to rest in peace, gonging for eternity in their symbolic damnation, strung like fish as they hang down from the symbolic Islamic heavens projected in the sky above. Is the Memorial Project trying to start a riot?”
Many Muslims have also protested against the memorial, arguing that a symbol associated with Islam is used to remind the world of a terrorist act. They believe that the use of the crescent will only add to the resentment against Islam resulting from 9/11. So this concept managed to piss pretty much everybody off except Bob Saget who found it “amazing”. For this reason, the Crescent of Embrace takes #1. Oh, and they’ve recently changed its name to “Bowl of Embrace”. Nice.
To Conclude
As you might have noticed, these memorials aren’t on this list simply because of their deficient looks, it is mostly due to their symbolism. If something as honorable as a memorial dedicated to innocent victims manages to irritate regular people, it is because there’s something terribly wrong with it. Furthermore, those who are convinced that 9/11 was an inside job will see in the more occult memorials a terribly sinister meaning. Is there a reason why they are planning to include the name of the “terrorists” on the Crescent memorial? Are they are considered heroes who sacrificed their lives for the 9/11 ritual?
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