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The Vigilant Citizen Forums Are Back … For Good!



It took some time and effort, but The Vigilant Citizen are back online – and they’ve been greatly improved.

The VC Forums were taken offline a few months ago due to several issues that could not be fixed without drastic modifications. The main issue was that s that occurred on the forums sometimes affected and compromised the main site. Furthermore, the forum software was buggy, outdated and annoying to use.

In order to address these issues and more, the forums were rebuilt from scratch, using arguably the best forum software around. A new domain name was created ( and was installed on a secure server. This should allow both the forums and the main site to be independent entities while still maintaining strong links.

In short, the new forums have been given all of the components necessary to allow the VC community to grow, flourish and harbor important discussions for years to come.

So don’t be shy and check out the new forums at:


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