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Jennifer Hudson Confirms the Obvious: Not in the Illuminati



After years of silence, many artists seem to be speaking out about everything Illuminati. Jennifer Hudson has recently commented the “rumors” of her being “part of it”. To my great surprise, Jennifer Hudson claims that she IS NOT one of the world’s leaders. She does not form world policies with Warren Buffet. Shocker.

“I’m so glad someone brought this Illuminati mess up because only a child of God would address it. That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard in my life. And it’s offensive because basically what? The people that are here today don’t deserve to be where they are? What, we didn’t work for it? So I find—and I hate to go there—but I find it’s those that can’t make it that would probably join Illuminati, or whoever that is, to get somewhere.

Don’t listen to that type of stuff, don’t follow that stuff because those people are only luring you in to become a part of some mess like that, so know that you’re only falling victim. That’s their way of gaining [followers]. I’d advise you to stay away from it. Those who are reading it are falling into it. It could not be more untrue.”

Here are some of my thoughts:

  1. NONE of the artists are part of the Illuminati. The entire debate is degenerating into a dumbed-down, mainstream media talking point due to ignorant gossipers and mass media disinformation.
  2. Being Christian or a “child of God” does not automatically prevent one to be used by the industry to push an agenda. Religion is not a magical shield against being manipulated. Many well-meaning artists only understand what happened to them years after the fact.
  3. Interesting fact: No artist has denied the existence of the Illuminati. They all say it exists, that some people are part of it, but not them. Jennifer seems to say that only does lacking talent join.
  4. Some might bring up Jennifer Hudson’s family killings as being ritual sacrifices for her “initiation”. I won’t go there for now.  The best way to gauge one’s integrity is through the messages and the symbols one communicates to the masses. Words deceive, symbols never lie. So let’s see what kind of music Hudson will offer to her fans.

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