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ISIS : A CIA Creation to Justify War Abroad and Repression at Home



Through terrifying headlines and shocking videos, ISIS is being used as a tool to justify war in the Middle East and to cause fear and panic worldwide. No, this is not a “crazy conspiracy theory”, it is simply the oldest trick in the book. ISIS was created by the very forces that are fighting it.

Ever since the creation of democratic nations – where public opinion somewhat matters – the political class is faced with a dilemma: War is needed to gain power, riches, and control, but the general public has a tendency to be against it. What to do? The answer was found decades ago and is still used successfully today: Create an enemy so terrifying that the masses will beg their government to go to war.

This is why ISIS exists. This is why the beheading videos are so “well-produced” and publicized worldwide through mainstream media. This is why news sources regularly come up with alarmist headlines about ISIS. They are used to serve the best interests of the world elite. The current objectives are: Sway public opinion to favor the invasion of countries in the Middle East, provide a pretext for “coalition” intervention across the world, and manufacture a domestic threat that will be used to take away rights and increase surveillance. In short, ISIS is yet another instance of the age-old tactic of creating a terrifying enemy to scare the masses.

“Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.”
– Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard

About a decade after the invasion of Iraq (which is still a chaotic danger zone), most agree that the war was based on false premises. The public ultimately acknowledged that the “weapons of mass destruction” excuse abundantly repeated by George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld was a complete fabrication. Despite this fact, the U.S. and its allies (along with the Council of Foreign Relations and other elite international opinion groups) are still looking to extend war in the Middle East, with Syria as a prime target. While the public across the Western world was decidedly against an unprovoked invasion of Syria, a single media event turned the tide: A short video where a masked jihadist beheads an American journalist.

Alarmist headlines help stir-up feelings of anger in the Western world.

Alarmist headlines and dramatic pictures help stir up feelings of anger from the Western world.

The outcry was immediate. How could it not be? Shot in high-def, with perfect cinematic lightning, the beheading videos are set up to generate a visceral feeling of horror and terror. Dressed in an orange attire reminiscent of Guantanamo Bay, a helpless Western journalist is executed by a barbaric fanatic dressed in black, dramatically waving a tiny knife as a weapon. No propagandist could think of a better way of swaying public opinion for war. As a “bonus” effect, the video stirs up anti-Muslim hysteria across the world, a sentiment that is constantly exploited by the world elite.

Very soon afterward, a war against ISIS was declared, almost as if it had been planned for months. In an interview with USA Today, Ex-CIA director Leon Panetta stated that Americans should brace themselves for a 30-year war that it will extend well beyond Syria:

“I think we’re looking at kind of a 30-year war,” he says, one that will have to extend beyond Islamic State to include emerging threats in Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and elsewhere.
– USA Today, Panetta: ’30-year war’ and a leadership test for Obama

Basically, in the span of a few months, a terrorist group literally popped out of nowhere, causing mayhem in the very regions the US and its allies have been looking to attack for years. Its name: Islamic State in Syria, or ISIS. The name itself is symbolic and revealing. Why is an “Islamic” group named after an Ancient Egyptian goddess? Perhaps because it is a favorite figure of the occult elite – the true culprits that are behind the horrors of ISIS.

A Continuation of History

The idea of the CIA funding an Islamic group to further its political interests isn’t exactly “far-fetched”. In fact, there are several obvious instances in recent history where the US openly supported extremist Islamist groups (dubbed “freedom fighters” in mass media).  The most flagrant and well-documented example is the creation of the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan, a group that was created by the CIA to lure the USSR into an “Afghan trap”. The term Mujaheddin describes “Muslims who struggle in the path of Allah” and comes from the root word “jihad”. The “great enemy” of today was the friend of the past. An important architect of this policy was Zbigniew Brzezinski one of the most influential statesmen in U.S. History. From JFK to Obama, Brzezinski has been an important figure shaping U.S. policy across the world. He also created the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller. In the following excerpt from a 1998 interview, Brzezinski explains how the Mujaheddin were used in Afghanistan:

Question: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs [“From the Shadows”], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention. In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct?

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.
– Le Nouvel Observateur, The CIA’s Intervention in Afghanistan


President Ronald Reagan sitting in the White House with Afghan “freedom fighters”.

A few decades later, these “freedom fighters” turned into the Taliban terrorists, among them Osama bin-Laden, turned from a CIA agent to public enemy No. 1. The group was then used to justify war in Afghanistan. It is one of the numerous examples where an Islamic group was created, funded and used to advance U.S. interests. The U.S. also backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Sarekat Islam in Indonesia, Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan, and the Islamic regime of Saudi-Arabia to counter Russia.

“America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests”
– Henry Kissinger

Questionable Details about ISIS

ISIS is a new Al-Qaeda, fully adapted for this day and age. Popping out of nowhere in the span of a few months, ISIS apparently secured a great number of resources, weapons, high-tech media equipment and propaganda specialists. Where did all the money and know-how come from?

The story of the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, is extremely murky. According to some reports, al Baghdadi was detained by the Americans at Camp Bucca in Iraq for a number of years. Some speculate that it is during this time that he began working with the CIA.

“He was captured by the Americans in 2005 and was held at Camp Bucca in sweltering southern Iraq for years, though it’s difficult to pinpoint the circumstances and timing of his release. In any case, he was free by 2010 and already had ascended enough in the jihadist movement that he assumed control of al Qaida’s Iraq branch after the deaths of two superiors.”
– Miami Herald, Who is Iraq’s Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, world’s new top terrorist?

Shortly after his release, al Baghdadi quickly rose to the highest ranks of Al-Qaeda, amassed a fortune, was kicked out of Al-Qaeda, and now leads ISIS. Was he pushed by outside forces?

During his first public appearance as head of ISIS, al Baghdadi ordered Muslims to obey him as the “Leader who presides over you.” He was also spotted wearing an expensive watch that is believed to be either a Rolex, a Sekonda or an Omega Seamaster – all costing a few thousands of dollars. An odd fashion choice for a leader vowing to fight “Western decadence”?

The beheading videos also raised quite a few eyebrows.

A war propagandist couldn't ask for a better tool to generate consent.

A war propagandist couldn’t ask for a better tool to generate consent.

Setup for maximum theatrical effect, the videos have questionable details. First, why are the victims about to be beheaded able to talk in such a calm and intelligible matter? Needless to say that people that are about to get their head cut off in a horrific matter are usually in a state of advanced panic and terror. Why wasn’t there blood gushing when the knife cut the victim’s throat? And finally, why is the executioner masked? Why does he even care? Also, why does he speak with a British accent? Dubbed “Jihadi John” by low-grade journals across the Western World, he is a way of telling the public that extremists can come from the West so watch your neighbor.

ISIS propaganda material utilizes state of the art equipment and seasoned movie producers which are a step above usual "Islamic propaganda" material found in the Middle-East.

ISIS propaganda material utilizes state of the art equipment produced by seasoned movie producers. Their productions are a step above usual “Islamic propaganda” found circulating in the Middle-East.

Naomi Wolf, the reputed author and former advisor to Bill Clinton attracted a barrage of criticism when she expressed skepticism regarding ISIS and requested journalistic rigor.


Naomi Wolf’s Facebook post about ISIS. It was removed.

After finding herself under attack by countless journalists and observers, Wolf added:

“The US benefits from … us being SO DAMN SCARED so that our intelligence agencies can take away the last of our freedoms on behalf of corporate interests the way intelligence agencies in the West are doing all over … Britain, Canada, Australia, next NZ … so there you are.”

“I see some blogs are badly distorting the nature of what I said … Why do I often not take political narratives at face value as they are dictated to the press?

“A) Because I am a journalist and verifying skeptically is supposed be our job but more importantly b) because I worked for two Presidential campaigns, one formally and one informally, as a political consultant, and because I was a spouse of a White House speechwriter for many years.

“As a political consultant and also a longtime close-up observer of how news and statements come out of the White House and Presidential campaigns, I know that FIRST the communications team involved has to start with something handed to them that they had nothing to do with …

“And THEN the creative, talented people in the campaigns’ or nation’s communications shop are asked to construct a narrative about it and talking points and find ‘heroes’ that help the narrative along, and the narrative often finally sounds like nothing to do with the actual deal. (In fact best that way.)

“And that uplifting campaign speech or press conference or initiative or photo op often involves finding individuals with great stories to tell that have nothing to do with the deal.

“So all the people who are attacking me right now for ‘conspiracy theories’ have no idea what they are talking about … people who assume the dominant narrative MUST BE TRUE and the dominant reasons MUST BE REAL are not experienced in how that world works.”

Naomi Wolf has good reason to speak out about ISIS. In her 2007 book, “The End of America”, Wolf outlined 10 steps necessary for a fascist group (or government) to destroy the democratic character of a nation-state and subvert the social and political liberties previously exercised by its citizens.

  1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
  2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place
  3. Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens
  4. Set up an internal surveillance system
  5. Harass citizens’ groups
  6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
  7. Target key individuals
  8. Control the press
  9. Treat all political dissidents as traitors
  10. Suspend the rule of law

While the public in the Western world is quick to label anyone who questions an official story as a “conspiracy theorist”, the public in the Middle East is overwhelmingly skeptical about ISIS and its so-called “Jihad”. For instance, in Lebanon and Egypt, the idea that ISIS was a U.S. creation was so widespread (high-ranked officials were claiming it), that the US Embassy in Beirut needed to deny the rumors.

Facebook post of US Embassy in Beirut.

Facebook post of US Embassy in Beirut.

For many residents of the Middle East, the actions and the modus-operandi of ISIS are nothing less than suspicious. The group indeed appears to be tailor-made to help the U.S. and coalition reach its military objectives in the Middle East.


This map shows current ISIS strongholds. As you can see, they are located exactly where the coalition has been looking to invade for years.

As the ISIS threat spreads to neighboring countries, it will allow unprovoked military strikes against various nations. It is only a matter of time before airstrikes will be deemed ineffective and ground troops become necessary. In the end, these operations will complete a long-term plan of re-organizing the Middle East, eliminating any threats to Israel and significantly increasing pressure on Iran, the region’s remaining Islamic force.

ISIS Used for Domestic Repression

Disgusted by the beheading videos, most Westerners now favor the violent annihilation of ISIS.  Of course, they do not realize that this same fervor will lead them to become victims of their own governments.

From protesting for peace to protesting for war, a little propaganda can go a long way in influencing peoples' thoughts.

From protesting for peace to protesting for war. A little propaganda can go a long way toward influencing peoples’ thoughts.

In the past few weeks, ISIS has been issuing various threats to specific countries, causing panic in every one of them, prompting governments to “take action”. Unfortunately, “taking action” means reducing free speech and increasing illegal searches and surveillance. Canada is already using ISIS as a reason to spy on citizens and is working on new laws allowing increased surveillance.

“The head of Canada’s spy agency said there are no signs of an imminent terrorist attack against the country, but authorities are monitoring 80 suspected Canadian terrorists who have returned home from violent hot spots around the world.

Coulombe said the 80 suspects have not been charged due to the ongoing difficulty of gathering solid evidence against them.

Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney said he will introduce new legislative tools in the coming weeks to help law enforcement agencies better “track terrorists.”

Blaney didn’t give details about what those new measures will be.
– Toronto Sun, CSIS keeping watch on 80 Canadian terror suspects nationwide

In the UK, the Tories presented their “Extremist Disruption Orders”, a list of unprecedented rules that have grave implications on free speech.

“Extremists will have to get posts on Facebook and Twitter approved in advance by the police under sweeping rules planned by the Conservatives.

They will also be barred from speaking at public events if they represent a threat to “the functioning of democracy”, under the new Extremist Disruption Orders.

Theresa May, the Home Secretary, will lay out plans to allow judges to ban people from broadcasting or protesting in certain places, as well as associating with specific people.”
– The Telegraph, Extremists to have Facebook and Twitter vetted by anti-terror police

How long will it take for the word “extremist” to be diluted and used to describe anybody with a differing opinion?

In Conclusion

ISIS has all of the marks of a CIA-sponsored jihadist group, created to facilitate war abroad and repression at home. Whether we look at the “divide and conquer” history of the Middle-East or the suspicious details regarding ISIS and the repercussions of its existence in the Western world, one can easily see how ISIS is a continuation of an obvious pattern. The most important question one can ask is this: Who benefits from the existence of ISIS and the terror it generates? What does ISIS gain by creating videos taunting the most powerful armies in the world? Air strikes? On the other hand, what does the ruling class in the Western world have to gain? Continuing to make money through war and weapons, taking control of the Middle East while supporting Israel, increasing oppression and surveillance on domestic populations and, finally, keeping the masses constantly terrified and under control.

In short, stoking panic around the world by provoking a state of chaos in the Middle East has been deemed necessary to implement a new world order. ‘Isis’, the Egyptian goddess and mother of Horus, is the name of one of the most important figures for the Masonic elite. Their motto? Ordo ab Chao … Order out of Chaos.

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