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This Agenda Given College Students in Canada Exemplifies How Education Has Turned into Indoctrination
The cover of an agenda given to students of a Montreal college is the epitome of Marxist and globalist propaganda. And what’s inside is even worse. Here’s a look at the many toxic messages on this agenda and how they perfectly fit in the elite’s plan for a one-world government.
In the French-speaking province of Quebec, colleges are called Cegeps. And, at the Cegep du Vieux Montreal, students were given an agenda that is full of … agendas. Indeed, the cover of this thing manages to encompass nearly every single globalist agenda in existence these days. Not only that, but the agenda also contains a “manifesto” that basically calls for the burning down of all police stations.
But before I go further, let me take a step back and explain what I mean by “globalist agenda”.
As explained in previous articles on this site, the ultimate goal of the global elite is to create a one-world government that some refer to as the New World Order (NWO). In order to achieve this goal, the elite is engaged in the massive process of deconstructing nations from within to make them compliant with the requirements of this world government. This is an insidious, multi-faceted plan that uses sold-out government officials to pass nation-destroying laws, mass media to push the propaganda in “entertainment” and, of course, education to indoctrinate people while they’re young.
There is nothing new about any of this. A couple of years ago I published a document titled “Current Communist Goals” which lists 45 goals pursued by Marxist forces to overthrow America by infiltrating and corrupting its key institutions. That document dates from 1958 but it is more relevant than ever today. While the USSR failed at destroying America, globalists are succeeding at using the same tactics. Here are some points that are particularly interesting in the context of this article.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems.
With these goals in mind, here’s the cover of this college agenda.
The first communist goal quoted above talks about taking control of schools and their associations. The agenda above was created by the student association of the Cegep du Vieux Montreal. Clearly it was infiltrated by radicals and the actual school allowed the association to turn the agenda into the very definition of propaganda. Let’s take a closer look at this thing.
The Weaponization of LGBTQ
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
The LGBTQ movement has been hijacked and weaponized by the global elite to attack and deconstruct important foundations of a healthy society such as the traditional nuclear family. On a deeper level, it used to debase and confuse people by blurring the concept of genders which is the very foundation of human existence. This leads us to this next sticker.
Propagandists are great at manipulating words to make their agendas seem virtuous. By “protect trans youth”, they actually mean subjecting minors to extreme and dangerous sex change surgical procedures, not to mention equally dangerous hormone blockers. Indeed, outright child abuse is being openly promoted, all in the name of the gender-burring agenda. And, for some reason, these flags are on a college agenda.
Toxic Feminism
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
In Canada, abortion is legal and it is not even close to being in danger. So why is a pro-abortion slogan put on a college agenda? Because obsessing over abortions is basically a way of life. It is an integral part of a new wave of toxic feminism where abortion is not seen as an unfortunate, last-resort procedure. Instead, it is an empowering ritual that is actually glorified and celebrated.
This next sticker goes in the same general direction.
Not too long ago, the word homicide was used to describe the murder of any human being. However, in recent years, the word “femicide” has been adopted by media outlets when a man murdered a woman. This switch in vocabulary is not random. As usual, it is part of an agenda. Every time an article headline mentions a “femicide”, it turns a sad crime into a call to blame and repress masculinity in general. The ultimate proof of this fact: The word is prominently featured on the cover of this politically-charged college agenda.
Down With Capitalism
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations that are under Communist attack.
Globalists are in the process of brainwashing youth to make them believe that Marxism will cure all of their problems. Coincidentally enough, the World Economic Forum (the most elite organization on Earth) is calling for the death of capitalism through the “Great Reset”.
To convince young people that they must embrace the elite’s oppressive system, they use the environment. More specifically, they use outright fear of the environment. The message: If we don’t all become Marxists, we will all burn and die.
The sticker “Capital destroys the Earth” reflects this exact agenda. And students are forced to look at it all year.
This next sticker goes in the same direction.
These words are not random. They are a translation of “el pueblo unido jamás será vencido” – the slogan of the Chilian Marxist group that led to the election of Salvador Allende – a Marxist President.
In other words, a day planner distributed to students of a Canadian college promotes all-out communism … while profiting from the quality of life provided by capitalism, of course.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems.
An integral part of the elite’s agenda is to destroy trust and respect toward law enforcement while greatly reducing its reach. The whole “defund the police” movement is all about catering to this agenda. Several major cities around the world elected far-left mayors who have put in action such as plan. The result: Cities are turning lawless wastelands where crime is rampant, drug-addicted zombies roam around and people get attacked and robbed with no repercussion. If you think I’m exaggerating, just watch this video filmed in Philadelphia.
Believe it or not, that’s exactly what the elite want. The goal is simple yet diabolic: To destroy the country from within, allowing the adoption of a New World Order. In their messed-up world, drug-addicted zombies are their friends while clear-minded, freedom-loving citizens are enemies that need to be monitored and oppressed.
This next sticker follows the same philosophy.
The Black Lives Matter movement was funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Its manifesto blatantly mentioned Marxism and the destruction of the nuclear family. A few years later, the leader of the movement was found to be a fraud and a hypocrite who used BLM money to purchase multiple houses.
Despite all of these facts, this agenda is still promoting this movement that actually does not care about Black people at all. Why? Because it fits multiple globalist agendas. BLM is actually about promoting racial division and police hatred, two important tools to destroy countries from within.
In Conclusion
Higher education used to be about learning facts and encouraging critical thinking. In recent years, it has turned into the exact opposite. Objective facts are being replaced with made-up doctrines. Critical thinking is being replaced with the unquestioned adoption of specific views. Of course, these views are perfectly aligned with the goals of the global elite.
The cover of this college agenda perfectly exemplifies the sad state of today’s educational system. When I was a college student, the agenda had literal flowers on it. And quotes from ancient philosophers. If they wished, students could put on whatever stickers they wanted to reflect their personal views.
However, today, there are no personal views. One view is allowed and the others are shunned.
Colleges and universities have turned into indoctrination camps. And, while they’re trying to come across as revolutionaries, those who push these views are actually complying with the wishes of the world’s richest and most powerful.
They are tools. They are sheep. And they want all students to become one of them.
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