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US Intelligence : Bin Laden Read About ‘Illuminati Conspiracy Theories’ and MKULTRA



The National Intelligence recently released a list of books that were (apparently) retrieved from Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan. He apparently enjoyed reading about the Illuminati, occultism, MKULTRA and even 9/11 conspiracy theories. Is mass media trying to associate the ‘truth movement’ with terrorism with a phony book list? 

Four years after the triumphant announcement of Osama Bin Laden’s death by the US government, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence recently released a list of books allegedly found in his compound. This list of English-language books can almost be dubbe ‘conspiracy for beginners’  with titles such as Fritz Springmeier’s “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”, John Coleman’s “The Committee of 300”, the 1977 MKULTRA hearings and Manly P. Hall’s “Secret Teachings of All Ages”. Bin Laden apparently also enjoyed reading about US Foreign policy and 9/11 conspiracy theories. Here’s the full list of of books as reported by BBC.

The full list of English language books

  • The 2030 Spike by Colin Mason
  • A Brief Guide to Understanding Islam by IA Ibrahim
  • America’s Strategic Blunders by Willard Matthias
  • America’s “War on Terrorism” by Michel Chossudovsky
  • Al-Qaeda’s Online Media Strategies: From Abu Reuter to Irhabi 007 by Hanna Rogan
  • The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast
  • The Best Enemy Money Can Buy by Anthony Sutton
  • Black Box Voting, Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century by Bev Harris
  • Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier
  • Bounding the Global War on Terror by Jeffrey Record
  • Checking Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions by Henry Sokolski and Patrick Clawson
  • Christianity and Islam in Spain 756-1031 A.D. by CR Haines
  • Civil Democratic Islam: Partners, Resources, and Strategies by Cheryl Benard
  • Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins
  • Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 by John Coleman
  • Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert
  • Fortifying Pakistan: The Role of U.S. Internal Security Assistance (only the book’s introduction) by C Christine Fair and Peter Chalk
  • Guerrilla Air Defense: Antiaircraft Weapons and Techniques for Guerrilla Forces by James Crabtree
  • Handbook of International Law by Anthony Aust
  • Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance by Noam Chomsky
  • Imperial Hubris by Michael Scheuer
  • In Pursuit of Allah’s Pleasure by Asim Abdul Maajid, Esaam Ud-Deen and Naahah Ibrahim
  • Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II by William Blum
  • Military Intelligence Blunders by John Hughes-Wilson
  • Project MKULTRA, the CIA’s program of research in behavioral modification. Joint hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, first session, August 3, 1977. United States. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on Intelligence.
  • Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies by Noam Chomsky
  • New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin
  • New Political Religions, or Analysis of Modern Terrorism by Barry Cooper
  • Obama’s Wars by Bob Woodward
  • Oxford History of Modern War by Charles Townsend
  • The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers by Paul Kennedy
  • Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower by William Blum
  • The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly Hall (1928)
  • Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins
  • The Taking of America 1-2-3 by Richard Sprague
  • Unfinished Business, U.S. Overseas Military Presence in the 21st Century by Michael O’Hanlon
  • The U.S. and Vietnam 1787-1941 by Robert Hopkins Miller
  • Website Claims Steve Jackson Games Foretold 9/11, article posted on (this file contained only a single saved web page)


The documents ‘probably used by other compound residents’

  • Art Education: The Journal of National Art Education Association, “Islamic Art as an Educational Tool about the Teaching of Islam” by Fayeq S Oweiss (March 2002)
  • Arabic Calligraphy Workshop by Fayeq S Oweiss
  • Published Work Sample from Fayeq S Oweiss (2004)
  • Resume for Fayeq S. Oweiss, PhD (2006)
  • Delta Force Extreme 2 Videogame Guide
  • Game Spot Videogame Guide
  • Grappler’s Guide to Sports Nutrition by John Berardi and Michael Fry
  • Guinness Book of World Records Children’s Edition 2008 (scans of several pages from)
  • Is It the Heart You Are Asking? by Dr. Islam Sobhi al-Mazeny (suicide prevention guide)
  • Silkscreening Instructions

After the release of this information, mass media newspapers (such as The Guardian) jumped on the story to ridicule “truthers” and to slyly associate them with terrorists.

Obsessed with plots to ruin America, terrified of bugs implanted in tooth fillings or women’s clothing, and secluded away from even his confidants, Osama bin Laden may not have been in the most healthy frame of mind during his years in hiding.

It should perhaps come as no surprise, then, that his personal library included conspiracy theories about the occult, the Illuminati – and even 9/11.
– The Guardian, 9/11 truthers (naturally) wary of Osama bin Laden’s conspiracy theory obsession

In the above article, The Guardian goes as far as shaming David Ray Griffin, the author of “The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11″ because Bin Laden apparently owned that book.

The Guardian does not seem to know that US intelligence and the CIA are not exactly about journalistic accuracy. They are about propaganda and information wars. When they release “information”, it is not because they believe this information is “interesting to know”, it is because it serves a specific purpose. This entire “book” story seems completely fabricated to serve a specific purpose. Why even release this information? Is it because it serves the on-going Agenda of vilify “truth seekers” and to associate them with terrorism?

To make things even more convenient, there are no physical copies of these books – Bin Laden apparently preferred PDF e-books.

The timing of the release of this information is also strange. Why come up with this story more than four years after the death announcement? This story (along with one claiming that Bin Laden was planning another major attack) was made public only days after the release of Seymour M. Hersh’s “The Killing of Bin Laden”. In his 10,000-word article, the Pulitzer Prize winner described how the entire story behind the killing of Bin Laden was falsified by the CIA. Hersh even points out in his article that there was no “treasure trove of information” retrieved from Bin Laden’s compound.

“Despite all the talk,’ the retired official continued, there were ‘no garbage bags full of computers and storage devices. The guys just stuffed some books and papers they found in his room in their backpacks. The Seals weren’t there because they thought bin Laden was running a command centre for al-Qaida operations, as the White House would later tell the media. And they were not intelligence experts gathering information inside that house.’


Five days after the raid the Pentagon press corps was provided with a series of videotapes that were said by US officials to have been taken from a large collection the Seals had removed from the compound, along with as many as 15 computers. Snippets from one of the videos showed a solitary bin Laden looking wan and wrapped in a blanket, watching what appeared to be a video of himself on television. An unnamed official told reporters that the raid produced a ‘treasure trove … the single largest collection of senior terrorist materials ever’, which would provide vital insights into al-Qaida’s plans. The official said the material showed that bin Laden ‘remained an active leader in al-Qaida, providing strategic, operational and tactical instructions to the group … He was far from a figurehead [and] continued to direct even tactical details of the group’s management and to encourage plotting’ from what was described as a command-and-control centre in Abbottabad. ‘He was an active player, making the recent operation even more essential for our nation’s security,’ the official said. The information was so vital, he added, that the administration was setting up an inter-agency task force to process it: ‘He was not simply someone who was penning al-Qaida strategy. He was throwing operational ideas out there and he was also specifically directing other al-Qaida members.’

These claims were fabrications: there wasn’t much activity for bin Laden to exercise command and control over. The retired intelligence official said that the CIA’s internal reporting shows that since bin Laden moved to Abbottabad in 2006 only a handful of terrorist attacks could be linked to the remnants of bin Laden’s al-Qaida. ‘We were told at first,’ the retired official said, ‘that the Seals produced garbage bags of stuff and that the community is generating daily intelligence reports out of this stuff. And then we were told that the community is gathering everything together and needs to translate it. But nothing has come of it. Every single thing they have created turns out not to be true. It’s a great hoax – like the Piltdown man.’ The retired official said that most of the materials from Abbottabad were turned over to the US by the Pakistanis, who later razed the building. The ISI took responsibility for the wives and children of bin Laden, none of whom was made available to the US for questioning.

‘Why create the treasure trove story?’ the retired official said. ‘The White House had to give the impression that bin Laden was still operationally important. Otherwise, why kill him? A cover story was created – that there was a network of couriers coming and going with memory sticks and instructions. All to show that bin Laden remained important.”
– Seymour M. Hersh, The Killing of Osama Bin Laden

People often forget the fact that Bin Laden was an ex-CIA operative who was used to advance the US agenda in Afghanistan against the USSR in the 1980s. He was used again (as a boogeyman) to advance the US agenda in Afghanistan (and around the world) from 2001 to 2011.

When one considers that Bin Laden was a pawn in an international game of chess, that he might have died long before the “announced’ symbolic date of May 1st 2011 (read my article about it here) and that 9/11 was an inside job, then the truth about this “book story” becomes evident: It is a rather heavy-handed attempt to associate “truthers”, “conspiracy theorists” and anyone who questions mass media with terrorism.

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