Movies and TV
“American Ultra”: Another Attempt at Making MKULTRA Cool
The movie American Ultra is based on the real life CIA project MKULTRA, which aims to create mind controlled slaves. While this premise is horrific, the movie nevertheless portrays the CIA and mind control as something that is cool and even “rebellious”. It is yet another attempt at making mind control cool by mass media.
Warning: Colossal spoilers ahead!
American Ultra is an odd movie. While the story revolves around the horrific experiments the CIA conducts on its own population, it is told in a humorous matter, turning the whole subject into a joke. Not only that, the movie portrays CIA mind control as something that is cool and edgy – although it is the exact opposite of all of these things.
Take a look at the movie poster above: An MK slave and a CIA handler wearing cool shades, holding weapons and looking bad-ass. Is there anything LESS rebellious than a slave who has completely lost their free will and a CIA handler? They’re both pawns of the elite’s system. This is another case of media double-speak and, if you’ve been reading Vigilant Citizen, you know that making mind control cool and acceptable is an important part of the Agenda. Before we look at the movie, let’s look at what it is based on.
Project MKULTRA – the CIA’s mind control program – was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects. Although the program is officially said to have been halted, some whistleblowers claim that the program secretly carried on using other names such as Monarch Mind control (read my article about it here).
As you can see, CIA mind control is not cool at all. In fact, it is one of the most devious, horrific programs ever conceived. Based on sexual abuse, trauma, torture, confinement, intoxication, hypnotism, brainwashing and other devious methods, mind control literally destroys the life of the slave at the hands of cold, heartless sadistic handlers. The slaves are then programmed to perform various tasks such as becoming sex slaves, drug mules or, like in the case of American Ultra, trained killers. In Monarch mind control terms, “killer programming” is referred to as Delta Programming.
DELTA is known as “killer” programming and was originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Subjects are devoid of fear and very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.
– Ron Patton, Project Monarch
Delta slaves are “asleep” until they are “activated” by a trigger – usually a series of words or images.
The Delta’s are alters trained to carry out special missions resulting in death. The Delta’s who are inactive are asleep. They must be activated. The programming to activate them will be triggered if a mission is given or if certain parts of the deeper parts of the system are tampered with.
– Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula to Create a Mind Control Slave
Products of that program become literal killing machines, trained in various forms of combat and some even develop extra-sensory perception (ESP).
Deltas will be trained in hand to hand combat–and know certain vulnerable places to kill people including breaking the neck. Training included a great deal of weapons training.
– Ibid.
Although the repercussions of their actions are very real, slaves are not able to distinguish reality from fiction.
Their thinking is buried in fairy tales. They are programmed to see themselves in fairy tales, they are programmed not to see their handlers or anybody’s else’s face for that matter. These alters do not have a chance to understand what they are doing.
– Ibid.
Finally, if these slaves become problematic, the only solution for them is death.
If the programmers get tired of the slave’s programming breaking down– and it does in part due to the severe abuse they get from these sadistic programmers/handlers, then they will simply give the slave an assignment in which the slave will end up dying, i.e. a suicide mission.
– Ibid.
Therefore, although it is not actually mentioned, the “hero” of American Ultra is an MK slave whose “superpowers” are the result of trauma and abuse. He displays all of the characteristics described above, but everything is showcased in a fun, entertaining, and glorified matter. In short, the CIA is trying to sell you on their most disgusting program.
Although Delta programming is horrific and is used to carry on political assassinations and even mass shootings (yes, you’ve read that right), American Ultra turns it into a fun, quirky, teenage-stoner-friendly thing.
Let’s look at the movie.
American Ultra
The hero of the movie is Mike Howell (played by Jesse Eisenberg), a stereotypical stoner who is prone to panic attacks. He lives with his girlfriend Phoebe Larson (played by Kristen Stewart), whom he wants to marry more than anything else in the world. Later in the movie, we learn that she is his MKULTRA handler when she clearly announces to him:
“I’m your handler.”
Not yet aware of this fact, Mike is madly in love with Phoebe and wants to propose to her. His love for his girlfriend is a little obsessive, almost as if he was … programmed to love his handler.
Controlled by the Government
Mike wants to take his girlfriend on a trip, but his programming doesn’t allow him to do so.
We later learn the this “panic attack” was actually MKULTRA programming rendering him unable to skip town. On his way back home, we realize that Mike is being monitored by state authorities.
Mike’s main escape from his day-to-day routine (which is all set up for him by the CIA) is drawing comics.
Although Mike is “asleep”, his Delta alter is subconsciously reflected in Apollo Ape’s violent adventures. As stated above, when MK slaves are triggered, things turn into a surreal fairy tale. Mike’s comic reflects his distorted recollection of when he was triggered.
Although he has not been triggered for years, Mike is nevertheless under constant surveillance by the CIA.
While all of these point towards oppressive police-state nightmare, the movie serves the viewers, a fun, PG-13 version of the CIA.
The CIA is Cool
Want to make the CIA as friendly and non-threatening as possible? Use the girl that played in Twilight as a mind-control handler and use Eric Foreman from That 70’s Show as an MKULTRA program director.
The other main representative of the CIA is Victoria Lasseter, who was in charge of Mike’s ULTRA program. Although she was responsible for completely destroying and rebuilding Mike’s brain using traumatic techniques, she is portrayed as some kind of caring mother figure.
Later in the movie, when Mike encounters Lasseter again, he asks her:
“Are you my mother?”
This sentence is rather sad. Since Lasseter erased his memory and literally created a new persona, Mike instinctively believes that this CIA agent is his mother.
She then goes on a rant explaining why he is a special snowflake and why she cares about him.
– Do you remember when you were arrested when you were 18 for the acid? That was when we first met. I was recruiting people for a program called Wisemen, which was basically designed to take third strike misdemeanor offenders and offer them the opportunity to volunteer … to be an experiment.
– That was a mistake.
– No Mike, you worked. All the other subjects that came in, they were failures. But not you. You were a success. But it was driving you insane.
– So you erased my memories and you f*cked with my head. And you left me with a fake girlfriend.
– I don’t want you to die. Because I care about you, alright?
The mother-figure aspect of Lasseter refers to an important figure in real life Monarch programming: The “Grand Dame” or “Mother-Of-Darkness”.
An Illuminati Grande Dame will assist the programmers to insure that the proper script is given to the child and that a psychotic break doesn’t occur causing the victim to lose their mind.
The Mothers of Darkness alters are an important balancing point to prevent the sadistic male programmers from killing more of the children they are working on.
– Ibid.
Therefore, although she’s a “good guy” in the movie, she represents the Grand Dame in Monarch programming, a “mother figure” who exists simply to make sure that the MK slaves do not completely break down – not because they love them.
The other CIA figure in the movie is Mike’s handler (and girlfriend), Phoebe. Although MK handlers are usually sadistic, inhumane, MK slaves themselves, the movie portrays the handler as a cute young girl.
In short, the entire CIA and the MKULTRA program are sanitized and represented by friendly people. Also, the many illegal, anti-democratic, freedom-impeding, police-state tactics of the agency are portrayed as if they were almost normal – just everyday business.
The life of Lasseter is spared because she convinces her boss that Mike is a great asset that should be used by the CIA instead of being killed.
Mind Control is Cool
As soon as Mike is triggered by his Mother-of-Darkness, he turns into a whiny superhero who is able to use any common object as a weapon. While his new-found powers confuse Mike, he eventually embraces them. During his adventures, he tells Phoebe stuff like:
“I remember every single thing that happened in the last 94 minutes.”
“What if I’m like a robot? With gigabytes of memory recall and, like, Karate programming where I use objects to kill people?”
“Do you know what a M1 Abrams is? Its a type of tank. I could like 50 types of tanks right now.”
At one point Phoebe asks him if he feels sick. He looks in the mirror, and tells her:
“No, I feel kind of amazing”.
Mike ultimately kills everybody in his path in a variety of hilarious ways (killing people is also very cool). He is however clearly completely “out of it”.
The CIA concludes that Mike is still usable. At the end of the movie, Mike and Phoebe are both in a posh hotel in the Philippines, look nice and classy.
In the final scene of the movie, Mike faces an Asian mob boss. The movie then turns into a cartoon.
While most viewers will say: “Wow, the movie ended in such a cool and creative way”, this cartoon ending implies one important thing: Mike is a triggered MK slave in a dissociative state. When triggered, he cannot perceive the difference between reality and fiction. In short, despite the “happy ending”, Mike still has absolutely no control over his actions and is still nothing but a CIA asset.
In Conclusion
American Ultra is based on the real-life program MKULTRA program, which sought to turn unwilling civilians into mind-control slaves. Although mind control uses the most atrocious torture techniques known in history and indulges in the ungodly task of turning a human being into a mindless slave, American Ultra sanitizes the entire process. It avoids most of the horrific stuff while focusing on the fun, superhero killing stuff. Kids love that. While some viewers might think that the movie ended well and that the “good guys” won, the reality is that they’ve witnessed an odd infomercial for mind control.
American Ultra is yet another attempt by mass media at making mind control a cool, glamorous and, yes, even a rebellious thing. But what do you expect? If the CIA has no issues in brainwashing Americans into a state of mental slavery, do you think they have issues with attempting to brainwash the public with their subversive messages? MKULTRA is about brainwashing individuals, American Ultra is about brainwashing the American public.
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